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4 Tips To Prepare Pets For Hurricane Season

ORANGE PARK, Fla. - Clay Humane offered four tips to prepare pets for hurricane season.

“When a hurricane strikes, it is vital to take care of your entire family, including the family pets,” said Dr. Christian Broadhurst, senior staff veterinarian at Clay Humane. “It is also very important to ensure you make preparations for reptiles, birds and other small animals because they have different needs than dogs and cats.”
Tips To Prepare Pets For Hurricane Season

Broadhurst recommended the following four emergency-preparedness tips:

1. Create an emergency kit

Pack a pet first-aid kit, a three or four-day supply of your pet's food and medications, bottled water, feeding dishes, and litter. You can also pack disposable garbage bags, extra leashes and harnesses.

Remember to pack copies of your pet's medical records and pictures of your pet in case you are separated.

Bring a spray bottle filled with water for birds' wings.

Carry a sturdy bowl for reptiles to soak in and ample bedding for small animals, such as hamsters or guinea pigs.

2. Make sure you have proper crates and carriers

Identify which crates or carriers you will take in the event of an emergency and put them in a place where they are easy to access in case of emergency.

Make sure crates and carriers are labeled with your name and your pet's name.

Additionally, make sure your pet is comfortable on long evacuation drives.

If your bird’s carrier does not have a perch, line it with paper towels for easy cleaning.

3. Create a list of pet-friendly shelters

Many areas offer emergency shelters open to animals. Some shelters require registration prior to arriving.

4. Know evacuation routes

Research evacuation routes from your home, and pack up your pet's emergency kit and carriers as soon as you learn of a possible storm.

Make sure your pets are wearing proper and up-to-date identification.

If you cannot find a shelter that houses pets, research boarding facilities or pet-friendly hotels.

Clay Humane also has a Disaster Animal Response Team that lends assistance to animals in need after storms.

4 Tips To Prepare Pets For Hurricane Season

8 Unusual Cat Diseases to Know About

While most cat caretakers have never encountered these cat diseases (or even heard of them before), they all share one thing — they’re becoming more common.

1. Acromegaly or Hypersomatotropism

Acromegaly or hypersomatotropism is among the unusual cat diseases you should know about.
8 Unusual Cat Diseases to Know About

Even when doing everything apparently right, some diabetic cats are hard to get under control, and a cat’s blood glucose just won’t cooperate.

“The insulin dose continues to go up and up without the expected reduction in blood glucose (sugar) levels when tested,” says Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, past president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners. “Some cats develop changes in their appearance with enlargement of bones of the face and elsewhere after chronic exposure to these hormones. The changes are slow to occur and often hard to recognize. Other cats may gain weight rather than the expected loss of body condition with diabetes mellitus.”

Acromegaly or hypersomatotropism is usually caused by a benign tumor of the pituitary gland, which secretes excess growth hormone and growth hormone-induced insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).

While the screening test for IGF-1 isn’t perfect, it’s helpful. Fortunately, treatment options are increasingly available, which helps to transfer the difficult diabetic into a well-controlled diabetic or even a non-diabetic.

8 Unusual Cat Diseases to Know About

Norway Increased Its Whaling Quota Despite International Opposition

In Norway, whaling is declining sharply. While this activity was once flourishing, there are just 11 whalers in the entire country, a number almost halved from the previous year. The Norwegian authorities have simply decided to increase its annual whaling quota, in a bid to revive the declining hunt.
Norway Increased Its Whaling Quota
Image Credit Pixabay User skeeze
1,278: This is the number of Minke whales that the Norwegian fisheries are allowed to harvest this year. A figure 28% increase over the previous year.

“I hope the quota and the merging of fishing zones will be a good starting point for a good season for the whaling industry,” Norwegian Fisheries Minister Per Sandberg said in a statement. Last year, only 432 cetaceans were harpooned, when the quota was 999. This figure seems to be decreasing year by year.

Despite an international moratorium put in place by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) since 1986, Norway, with Iceland, is the only country in the world to allow whaling (Japan also hunts whales, but officially, it is authorized for "scientific" purposes only).

Not sure, however, that the increase in authorized quotas translates into more whales killed: the whalers, fewer and fewer, do not even fill half. For their part, Norwegian consumers seem to be losing interest in this meat, which is not locally known at all, and is considered poor quality - unlike countries like Japan.

For the animal rights activists, this is proof that this is an outdated and superfluous industry: “Greenpeace believes Norway should take the logical consequences of the International Whaling Commission’s ban on commercial whaling, the widespread opposition to whaling, as well as the lack of local market for the products, and close down this unnecessary and outdated industry,” Truls Gulowsen, the head of Greenpeace Norway, said to AFP. “Norwegian whaling belongs to the past, is only maintained for narrow political reasons and should be phased out as quickly as possible,”

Norway Increased Its Whaling Quota Despite International Opposition

3D Paper Sculptures Only With Layers of Tiny Hand-Cut Paper 

As she says on Bored Panda, Lisa Lloyd worked for more than eighteen years as an animator and clips director. Now, inspired by nature, she works as a designer and creates incredible paper sculptures.
3D Paper Sculptures-lisa-lloyd
Crédit photo: Lisa Lloyd
She creates amazing cut paper sculptures, in three dimensions. Before that, indeed she had discovered a particular attachment for paper by drawing birds, which pushed her to continue working in this way.

Whether it’s a textural paper bird builds from multi-colored layers of precisely cut paper, or a colorful chameleon adorned in individually-cut paper scales, each paper sculpture is made entirely by hand.

"I find the greatest inspiration for my work comes from nature. I love the patterns, symmetry, color, geometry and texture. I love the detail. I then try to give it a modern twist, taking inspiration from the design world- such as fashion, interiors and graphic design."

Using all the bits of paper she cuts and assembles, Lisa takes an average of no less than five days to complete a model!

Lloyd’s amazing style has earned her an extensive paper art portfolio filled with work for clients such as Asahi, The Guardian, BBC, Disney, Hershey, Universal Music Group, Sony, and more.

The result is really bluffing, so you can admire it below!
3D Paper Sculptures-lisa-lloyd
Crédit photo: Lisa Lloyd
3D Paper Sculptures-lisa-lloyd
Crédit photo: Lisa Lloyd
3D Paper Sculptures-lisa-lloyd
Crédit photo: Lisa Lloyd

3D Paper Sculptures Only With Layers of Tiny Hand-Cut Paper

United States: This Airbnb Takes You To The World Of Star Wars

If you've always dreamed of spending a day in the skin of Anakin Skywalker, then we've found the Airbnb for you! Located in the desert part of Texas, near the Big Bend National Park, the residence you will discover below was entirely inspired of the Star Wars universe, and more specifically of the planet Tatooine.
This Airbnb Takes You To The World Of Star Wars
Crédit photo: Airbnb
The hardcore fans of the saga will recognize the house of Anakin's mother, by dint of  its rounded shape and its location in the basement.

Airbnb version, the latter can accommodate three people. It is fully equipped and offers more than adequate comfort. There is a kitchen, a bed, a sofa, a bathroom and of course, a toilet.

As for the power supply, it is done through solar panels, and therefore allows to be eco-responsible. More unexpectedly, the house "made in Tatooine" has wifi.

Another good news, the budget needed to rent this house for the less atypical is quite reasonable. Indeed, it takes 75 euros per night, or 25 euros per person. Not much compared to the happiness that Star Wars fans can feel when while having the feeling of sleeping in a mythical place.
This Airbnb Takes You To The World Of Star Wars
Crédit photo: Airbnb
This Airbnb Takes You To The World Of Star Wars
Crédit photo: Airbnb

United States: This Airbnb Takes You To The World Of Star Wars

In Alaska, Trump Administration Wants To Lift Ban On Cruel Hunting Techniques

Like any practice, hunting is obviously regulated. In Alaska, for example, it is forbidden to stalk an animal in its den and, moreover, an animal that is a baby. Donald Trump's team, however, would like to lift the ban on hunting techniques considered "extreme" in the national reserves of this state, a decision far from the taste of animal defenders.
Trump administration want to lift ban on bear baiting in Alaska
Image Credit Pixabay User Alexas_Fotos
The Trump administration has proposed this Monday, May 21, 2018 in the Federal Register to revisit the rule implemented in 2015 prohibiting ultra-aggressive hunting techniques in Alaska's nature reserves endangering very young animals and/or hidden in their dens.

It would also like to allow the use of food baits such as bacon or donuts, to allow the use of hunting dogs to pursue bears, to use motor boats to shoot swimming caribou, all on an area of about 81,000 square kilometers of the state.

Jamie Rappaport Clark, president of the US organization Defenders Of Wildlife, responded by explaining to EcoWatch that "Allowing the killing of bear cubs and wolf pups in their dens is barbaric and inhumane" and that "The proposed regulations cast aside the very purpose of national parks to protect wildlife and wild places."

These proposals are massively rejected by many organizations, like the Humane Society. The Humane Society blasted the Trump administration for reinstating "cruel" hunting practices in Alaska and is urging the public to help keep the prohibitions in place.

We knew Donald Trump invested little in the protection of the environment, this will of his team is a new testimony of his lack of concern for nature. This measure proposed by the National Park Service could be adopted within two months.

In Alaska, Trump Administration Wants To Lift Ban On Cruel Hunting Techniques

The Pallas's Cat, the Cat that Time Forgot

Endemic the grasslands and montane steppes of Central Asia, this feline, similar to a big domestic cat, is a specimen as irresistible as it is elusive.
The Pallas's Cat, the Cat that Time Forgot
Image Credit Flickr User Tambako the Jaguar

The Pallas's cat (Otocolobus manul) or Manul, is an elusive feline that inhabits the arid steppes of Central Asia. This curious specimen, similar to a big cat, is the only representative of its kind Otocolobus.

It is particularly difficult to observe this species which favors high altitude areas, far from any human activity. Perfectly adapted to cold environment, it evolves within rocky areas and mountain ravines.

Although there are reports of the existence of these animals at more than 4,500 meters, most of the observations documented have been made at lower altitudes in more accessible areas.

Pallas' cat remains unknown and for good reason, it is one of the least studied cats in the world. However, field studies have collected some information about the character, way of life and behavior of this curious species and the least we can say is that it has everything to be an Internet star.

The Manul indeed looks like a big domestic cat more hairy and more expressive. Its coat, which can vary from gray to brown, is particularly thick to withstand low temperatures. Its short legs, its rounded head and small ears give the animal an aspect more irresistible.

Pallas's cat is moreover solitary and impossible to tame. Breeding in captivity is a real challenge because these high altitude animals do not have an immune system that can fight low altitude viruses.
The Pallas's Cat, the Cat that Time Forgot
Image Credit Pixabay User Kaz

Wildlife conservation organizations must redouble their efforts to prevent the extinction of this species listed as "Near Threatened" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list.

The Pallas's Cat, the Cat that Time Forgot