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The Cry Of Sabrina Krief To Save The Great Apes

The Norman primatologist Sabrina Krief, author of the book entitled "Les Chimpanzés des Monts de la Lune", asked the French government to take concrete measures to protect the great apes, whose population has decreased by 70% in the space of fifty years. A worrying situation that requires the greatest attention, screamed by Sabrina Krief.

With Nathalie Baye and Laurence Parisot that the primatologist Sabrina Krief exposed her concerns about great apes, endangered by deforestation, by poachers, or by intensive agriculture. All of these factors have contributed to reduce their number by 70% in just five decades. For Sabrina Krief, by 2050, the entire species could disappear, or 700,000 individuals, including bonobos, chimpanzees, or gorillas, all part of the same family as humans, who disappear from the surface of the globe.

Sabrina Krief was keen to denounce the fact that, according to her, it is possible to find in French butcher shops "gorilla and chimpanzee meat", and therefore to better regulate the meat trade, for example setting up a structure analyzing bushmeat arriving at Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport.
Photo credit: Onyx9 / Shutterstock
Above all, it is imperative for it to continue to scientifically study great apes in order to make as many people as possible aware of how important it is to save them while there is still time.

The Cry Of Sabrina Krief To Save The Great Apes

The Cry Of Sabrina Krief To Save The Great Apes

The Norman primatologist Sabrina Krief, author of the book entitled "Les Chimpanzés des Monts de la Lune", asked the French government to take concrete measures to protect the great apes, whose population has decreased by 70% in the space of fifty years. A worrying situation that requires the greatest attention, screamed by Sabrina Krief.

With Nathalie Baye and Laurence Parisot that the primatologist Sabrina Krief exposed her concerns about great apes, endangered by deforestation, by poachers, or by intensive agriculture. All of these factors have contributed to reduce their number by 70% in just five decades. For Sabrina Krief, by 2050, the entire species could disappear, or 700,000 individuals, including bonobos, chimpanzees, or gorillas, all part of the same family as humans, who disappear from the surface of the globe.

Sabrina Krief was keen to denounce the fact that, according to her, it is possible to find in French butcher shops "gorilla and chimpanzee meat", and therefore to better regulate the meat trade, for example setting up a structure analyzing bushmeat arriving at Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport.
Photo credit: Onyx9 / Shutterstock
Above all, it is imperative for it to continue to scientifically study great apes in order to make as many people as possible aware of how important it is to save them while there is still time.

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